
Before regular one on one coaching begins, I'm going to be doing some short sessions which be an informal, fun hangout, featuring a Q&A and more often than not - a group challenge.

These free sessions are for people who want to be part of a community to help others and have a potential interest in further personal coaching. 

However - there's no obligation other than participation, and if you don't want to participate - don't sign up!

How it works

The session will be in two parts, an opportunity for an "ask me anything" to answer any of your recording or mixing questions, and then a challenge which you'll be asked to complete in a week. I'll follow up with you to see how you got on!

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon registering for coaching, you'll receive further instructions on when the session will be.

How will we meet?

We'll use zoom for the meeting.